Sign Panels
NUDO Sign Panels offer the sign professional a complete range of panels for use with digital inks, paints and vinyl graphics. These sign panels provide a strong, yet lightweight design that offers high impact and moisture resistance. Designed to offer superior quality and reliability, NUDO sign panels are the ultimate solution for your signage needs. Explore our range of Sign Panel products and find the ideal product that suits your needs.

NUDO Sign Panel Products

Sign Panel Features & Benefits

NUDO Sign Panels offer comprehensive features and benefits tailored for sign professionals. These panels are designed for digital inks, paints, and vinyl graphics, providing a strong yet lightweight solution with high impact and moisture resistance. The ability to digitally print directly on the panel ensures versatility and convenience for various signage projects. A number of NUDO Sign Panels are UL-listed and Class A Fire-Rated, ensuring safety and reliability. NUDO Sign Panels combine durability, ease of use, and superior performance and design flexibility, making them the perfect choice for professional signage applications.
Description Uses Substrates Available Fire-Rating Certifications Printing Options
AlumaCorrCorrugated/fluted polypropylene copolymer with aluminum on both sidesSign PanelCorrugated/fluted polypropylene copolymerClass AUL-ListedDigitally printable
EconoCorrCorrugated polypropylene core with aluminum on both sidesSign PanelCorrugated polypropyleneClass AUL-ListedDigitally printable
NuAlumAluminum face laminated to exterior grade plywoodSign PanelPlywoodClass A (double sided only)UL-Listed (double sided only)Accepts standard sign paints, inks and vinyl graphics
Poly-MetalRecycled thermoplastic core sandwiched between two sheets of aluminumSign PanelRecycled thermoplastic coreClass AUL-ListedDigitally printable
ValuMetalRecycled thermoplastic core sandwiched between two sheets of white aluminumSign PanelRecycled thermoplastic coreNoneNoneDigitally printable with most inks
WhiteWoodSmooth vinyl face laminated to exterior grade substrateSign PanelExterior grade substratesNoneNoneAccepts standard sign paints, inks and vinyl graphics